Removing dead (broken) links from Google search results
Google Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. Google are removing URLs entirely from search results On the plus (?) side, now that google is removing the one remaining work around I'll likely get stuck using a non-google search regardless of the worse results. firexcy 16 days ago Yes, and this behavior is also annoying because it prevents you from copying the real URL directly from the result page.
Jun 06, 2017
Simple use Adblocker to block any ads from Google search result. It will work's for many purpose : * Protect you from tracker e.g. Google adsense that track your onine activity. * Protect against Bitcoin mining website ,Malware contains website or Google removing in-app browser, starts reusing Chrome as
Google Search shows information gathered from websites across the web. The best way to remove information about yourself in Google’s search results is to contact the website owner who published the information. If they remove it, Google won’t find the information to list in search results.
Google are removing urls entirely from the search results Mar 04, 2013 Google to remove 'revenge porn' from search results Jun 19, 2015 Helps Remove You from Google Search Results